Stuffed seafood

On this page I will show and talk about some stuffed seafood I have seen when visiting seafood companies.

Golden redfish (Sebastes norvegicus)

Icelandic Freezing Plants Corporation (later Icelandic Group) had a few pieces of big golden redfishes (Goldbarsch in DE, Grand sébaste in FR) stuffed and gave them to important customers in Germany that had been strong in selling redfish for the largest exporter in Iceland. The picture above is taken in the offices of Frosta in Bremerhaven, one of the companies that received such a beautiful piece.

Edible crab (Cancer pagurus)

A French seafood importer has this piece of edible crab (Tourteau in FR, Taschenkrebs in DE) hanging in their office.

Hoki (Macruronus novaezelandiae)

This big example of hoki (Grenadier bleu, FR) is in the offices of Greenland Seafood in Wilhelmshaven, Germany. It was a gift by Sealord of New Zealand to Royal Greenland, the previous owner of the company.